viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Sweet Little Sixteen, Chuck Berry

Sweet Little sixteen
Chuck Berry, the real king of rock and roll, is one of my favourite artists. I enjoy listening to his music because of the rhythm that makes me to want to dance (I don’t dance really well, but at least I fell like if I would). It’s really nice and the way he plays the guitar can´t be compared to the white rock and roll, the freedom of his movements, the way he moves and dances while he plays the guitar is amazing.
--Last year I went to see him in concert, he was really old and apologizes about that, but I forgive all his mistakes, because he is the king <3
Sweet little sixteen is one of my favourite songs, because of its simple rhythm and it’s really catchy. It doesn’t have a great and deep lyric and I like that because it’s good to just listen to it, and pretend that I’m dancing. In this song he talks about a 16 years old girl and, to resume, he talks about the sweetness and innocence of a young girl.

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