viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Cartagena Beach

Cartagena Beach

As a geography student I have to go to a few fields visits during the semester, depending of the subject I have taken. On the last semester I went to Cartagena Beach with all my classmates of the course of Sea Geography, we went to see and measure several features of the beach and the sea, and we made an analysis of them after that.
When we arrived to Cartagena there was a nice weather, the sun was shining and there were a really cute puppy on the street (that was one of the best things of the day). The problem I had that day was the wind, which made me feel really cold and wanting to be in my bed.

That's me, feeling cold because of the wind : (

When we were on the beach we had to measure the height of different point of the beach, so one of my classmates had to stand in the water as a reference point so the others could make them work. It was fun, at least for us who were dry and warm watching him getting cold in the water, it was on June, so I imagine that he must suffer a little bit on that moment. After that we did exactly the same in other points of the bay, and two more classmates has to do the same sacrifice of getting in the water for us.

It wasn’t the best field visit I have had in my life, but at least I had some fun watching the sea and clouds, which were really beautiful that day. And at the end there started to rain a little, so it made my day better, and we had to leave because of that.
My friend Cristóbal and I.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Mariana!

    I have the same problem in this trip! The wind!

  2. Hi Mariana!!
    My question is of that subject is this field trip,
    Geography of the sea? , Geology? or other?
    Is like to a field trip that we had in the first year...we went to Iloca with teacher Rodrigo Rauld
