viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Family Meal

A Family Meal: Christmas dinner

When I was a little girl and since a few years ago my family and I  were used to celebrate Christmas and New Year together, and I used to prepare almost the whole meal by myself, including the main dish (which was normally stuffed turkey breast, yumi yumi) and the dessert, and my grandma used to prepare salads and  appetizers .

One year  (maybe four or five years ago) my brother Felipe and I decided to make something different for that dinner so we made ricotta and mozzarella raviolones (big ravioli), with tomato and béchamel sauce, salads and raspberry panna cotta for the dessert. We prepared the ravioli the day before and went to sleep, but the next morning we discovered that our ravioli were all ruined!! So we had to call our mom and ask her for help, we were desperate :c

Well, at the end we had to remade all the ravioli, and hope for the best.

That night we went to my Lela’s house (my grandma) to prepare dinner, there was my aunt Paola and her husband Roland , their son Totito, my mom and dad (Claudia y Claudio) and my brother Felipe and my little sister Almendra. When we were there I cooked the ravioli, made the salsa, and we prepared everything to enjoy our meal.

The dinner tasted really good! And I don’t say that just because I made it, everyone was happy eating, and my brother and I were happier because of our good work, despite of all the inconvenient we had the day before.

One thing I learned that day was not to make ravioli again in my life, instead of that I decided to prepare only spaghetti and fettuccini because they’re easier to make.

2 comentarios:

  1. if you dice to cook again ricotta raviolones invite me, i love them jiji : )

  2. I think it's fantastic not only that you like cooking but also being in charge of the whole meal for christmas :)
