viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

A concert.

I haven’t gone to many concerts. Last year I went to see Chuck Berry, and it was “fun” (as much fun as it could be to watch an 80 years old Chuck trying to play the guitar like when he was 20 :c but at least I saw him in real life, which is better than youtube) and a few years before that I went to see Gustavo Cerati (It was good because I had the chance to see him before his death), and after that I went to  two Silvio Rodriguez’s concerts, which were my favourite concerts from all of them.

I really like Silvio’s music; I started listening to him when I was a little girl because my father liked him, so he played his guitar and sang his songs. So when I was old enough to go to a concert my father brought me to see him. We went to times, one in 2005 in the Victor Jara stadium (we went with my mom and brother, and it was the first time I went to a concert), and the second time was in 2006 in Arena Santiago when he was presenting his album "Erase que se era" , and I only went with my dad.
I remember that when my dad brought the tickets to the last concert we went he wanted to make it a surprise for me, so when I was “sleeping” he went to my room and tried to hang an envelope from the ceiling, but his plan didn’t worked because I was just pretending to sleep when he came to my room, so I caught him while he was trying to make his big surprise :c he was sad, but happy to see that I was happy to go to see Silvio.  

It was really fun, I sang all his songs and enjoyed the music and Silvio’s voice, which still sounds the same as when he was younger. I really like him because of his lyrics and the way he plays the guitar, and also because of the memories of my childhood that listening to his music brings to my head.


1 comentario:

  1. Hi Mariana, that's great that you had the opportunity to go see Cerati, I agree with you that musical taste (but inherited of my mom haha ), Silvio also is a very special artist, but I do not like all his songs, which is my favorite is "Eyes Color Sun", singing with Calle 13. He is a great artist
